An Afternoon of Spirit Messages with James Van Praagh
#1 New York Times Best Seller & World-Renowned Psychic Medium, James Van Praagh demonstrates his unique and one of a kind afternoon, which will expand your awareness and bring you in direct connection to the Spirit World. James will share his spiritual insight from decades of speaking with the Spirit world and deliver detailed messages of love, comfort, and encouragement from loved ones on the other side. You’ll leave forever changed – with a fresh new perspective on life and death, a stronger connection to the spirit world and the comforting awareness that you are not alone!
“James will demonstrate his ability to random members of the audience of spirit communication, bringing through evidential messages of love and teachings from his spiritual guides to assist you on your spiritual journey.”

1 Day Workshop Mastering Mediumship
Join NY Times #1 Best Selling Author & World Renowned Psychic Medium, James Van Praagh for a very rare and extraordinary 1 Day Workshop!
You were born with the keys to living an extraordinary life and fulfilling your highest purpose. Don’t wait for another second to find out more about the special gifts you possess, and how to maximize them.
James will share his techniques and insights learned over 30 years of working with Spirit. Through exercises, guided visualizations and meditations you’ll discover:
If you’re a psychic, healer or medium – or a combination of all three!
How to enhance your gifts so you can call upon them, any time.
How to blast through what’s blocking your energy and holding you back.
Greater connections with loved ones on earth and in the Spirit realm.
The answer to the age-old question “Why am I here?”
And of course, along the way, James will relay detailed messages to members of the audience from the loved ones they’ve been missing. You’ll emerge from this very special spiritual retreat enlightened and inspired, with a heightened awareness of what makes YOU special and unique!